Global Bioeconomy Alliance
Leading research and education for worldwide bioeconomy


The idea of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance is the installation of a strong network of universities all over the world, which are leading in the field of bioeconomy. The intension is to strengthen the cooperation in research and teaching by workshops, common projects as well as staff exchange to transfer knowledge and expertise. The strong nucleus is composed of the Technical University of Munich (Germany), the University of Queensland (Australia) and the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil), later joined by Danish Technical University (Denmark), which are top-level universities in their regions, and which have a strong expertise in research connected to bioeconomy aspects.

The focus of the alliance is to strengthen the external impact of research and teaching in the field of bioeconomy and to create a brand for this global network. Further partners all over the world will be welcome to strengthen the alliance and participate in the realization of a global bioeconomy and biobased industry.

The idea behind this international network is the fact that bioeconomy is a global topic and can only be realized by combining all agricultural, technical as well as social aspects of the biobased industry and society as present at the different locations of our planet. This alliance intends to transfer knowledge and technologies to avoid mistakes and failures in bioeconomy approaches and to boost the global bioeconomy. For this, the founding partner universities are located in areas with different levels of implementation of a bioeconomy and will influence and inspire the other partners by their experience as well as local needs and challenges. All three partner countries show different feedstock supplies and will face diverse challenges and issues.

Next to workshops and personal exchanges, the aim of the alliance is to acquire funding in the field of bioeconomy to work on common and specific challenges of the partner countries.

Under the umbrella of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance we will built up a strong and permanently growing network of experts, which all commit to collaborate in research and teaching in fields closely related to bioeconomy and to develop strategies for global problem solving.

Events & News


KTB 2024 at UNESP

Key Technologies in the Bioeconomy - A Global Bioeconomy Alliance Conference

KTB2024 Logo

The conference will be held in São Paulo this year: 2024-09-30 to 2024-10-04

More information at

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Five days in the spirit of the bioeconomy

Around 200 participants from all over the world learned about current developments in the bioeconomy at the three-day symposium "Key Technologies in the Bioeconomy - A Global Bioeconomy Alliance Conference" at the TUM Campus Straubing (TUMCS) for Biotechnology and Sustainability at the end of September. The organisation of the conference under the slogan "KTB2022" was taken over by the TUMCS under the leadership of Rector Prof Volker Sieber and Prof Bastian Blombach. The TUM Campus Straubing belongs to the worldwide network of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance (GBA) along with two other universities.

TUMCS Rector Prof. Sieber was very satisfied with the all-round successful conference, which was attended by interested parties not only from Europe and the USA, but also from South America, Australia and Africa. “With a strong focus on the technologies that are required to drive the bioeconomy and a good mix of industrial and academic involvement the KTB2022 conference offered the chance to learn of the latest developments and provided a platform for new partnerships to form”, Volker Sieber said. “We are pleased that all and the latter in particular was so well received and are looking forward to the next KTB conference.”

KTB2022 took place for the first time at the TUM Campus Straubing from 27 to 29 September 2022 with two additional days for GBA members. In the newly constructed "Nachhaltige Chemie" (Sustainable Chemistry) building, the participants not only listened to highly interesting lectures by high-ranking speakers from industry and science, but also intensified their mutual exchange at social events – such as a boat trip with conference dinner on the Danube.

Cameron Dick, Minister and Treasurer in Queensland (Australia) and Roland Weigert, State Secretary in the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy gave digital greetings. Michael Köpke (Lanza Tech, USA), Thomas Haas (Evonik) and Karsten Peddinghaus (BMW Group) were among the keynote speakers from the business world; Peta Ashworth (University of Queensland, Australia) and Volker Wendisch (University of Bielefeld), for example, spoke from the academic community.

The feedback from the participants was consistently positive. Karsten Peddinghaus (BMW Group) said: “The Conference provided a unique opportunity to meet and discuss state-of-the-art solutions between research, science and corporations. Volker Sieber and his team created an inspiring setup and atmosphere, based on a thrilling variety of speeches.”

Ana Carolina Saad Freitas (Braskem): “The event facilitated knowledge sharing and promoted great networking to advanced discussions on challenges and opportunities related to the bioeconomy. Participants from industry and academia were encouraged to think together, about new partnerships and strategies to promote relevant sustainable changes.”

Andreas Kohl (Verbio) mentioned: „Key Technologies in the Bioeconomy 2022 was a conference with a good mix of current scientific, technology and industrial developments. At a hotspot of the future bioeconomy with an international audience there was ample time to learn, discuss and get new inspiration for the daily struggle to implement biobased solutions.”

And Martin Langer (Brain AG) said: “KTB2022 organized by TUM in Straubing was worth visiting! A perfect mix of high-grade academic research, political discussions and industrial insights turned out to be a fantastic basis for very good scientific and business exchange around bioeconomy. Looking forward to the next KTB conference!”

The idea of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance is the installation of a strong network of universities all over the world, which are leading in the field of bioeconomy. The intention is to strengthen the cooperation in research and teaching by workshops, common projects as well as staff exchange to transfer knowledge and expertise. The strong nucleus will be composed off the Technical University of Munich (Germany), the University of Queensland (Australia) and the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil), which are top-level universities of these countries, and have a strong expertise in research connected to bioeconomy aspects.

The universities participating in the GBA used the meeting in Straubing to intensify contacts and partnerships and jointly sounded out future project opportunities. For the GBA participants, TUM had extended the program by two days – among other things, the program included visits to Clariant’s Sunliquid plant in the harbor Straubing-Sand and the Waldwipfelweg in St. Englmar in the Bavarian Forest.

Photo galleries of the conference can be fount at

Click here to browse the archived KTB2022 website


Save the date

Key Technologies in the Bioeconomy - A Global Bioeconomy Alliance Conference

The conference will be held in Straubing this year: 2022-09-27 – 2022-09-29


TUM São Paulo Dialogue: The Future of Food – Insights from the Global Bioeconomy Alliance

You are invited to join leading global experts for a webinar discussing the Future of Food. Hosted by the TUM São Paulo office, esteemed researchers from the Global Bioeconomy Alliance will explore a return to the origins of food.

As we grapple with the global issue of food security and strive for a future that supports the quest for zero hunger, responsible consumption and production, and sustainable rural living, researchers unite in the need to harness new or revitalised nutrient rich food sources with the potential for broad health and nutrition applications.

Join panellists Prof Michael Rychlik and Prof Martin Steinhaus from Technical University Munich (TUM) in Germany, Prof Odair Fernandes and Prof André Gonzaga dos Santos from UNESP in Brazil and Prof Henrietta Marrie, Prof Robert Henry and Prof Yasmina Sultanbawa from UQ in Australia as they highlight the importance of embracing the connection between food, science, culture and environment.

As we look toward the future of food, the panelists will share theirexperiences in aligning with the patterns of the past, to support predictions for the future.

The event is free of charge and will be conducted in English.

December 09th
11:30am CET / 8:30pm AEST / 7:30am BRT
Register here:

Post your questions during the event.


3rd Global Alliance on Bioeconomy Symposium kicks off at UNESP

Approximately 90 researchers from Brazil, Germany and Australia attended the UNESP’s University Council auditorium on September 30th for the opening of the 3rd Global Alliance on Bioeconomy Symposium.

The meeting aims to engage scientists from Brazil, Australia and Germany in joint projects

The meeting, the result of a partnership established by UNESP, the University of Queensland (UQ) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM), runs until October 4th. The idea is to engage researchers from the three institutions and encourage them to establish academic and scientific partnerships.

From left/top to bottom/right: Robert Henry (UQ), Volker Sieber (TUM), Carlos Vergani (UNESP) and Mauricio Bacci (UNESP)

The trilateral agreement that created the Alliance was signed in July 2018, during the first edition of the Bioeconomy symposium, held in the city of Straubing, in Germany.

After first day of activities, at São Paulo, the researchers headed to Ubatuba, at the coast of São Paulo State. During a four-day schedule of activities, they are invited to present and discuss current projects and opportunities for cooperation. The event was made possible due to a joint call published in 20018 by Fapesp and the Bavarian University Center for Latin America (BAYLAT).

Perspectives in Bioeconomics

The lectures that opened the symposium set the tone for the activities that will take place in Ubatuba: while addressing the perspectives and challenges of Bioeconomics in different regions of the globe, the presentations also brought information about opportunities for funding research projects.

The willingness to establish and strengthen partnerships was a common ground for all three university representatives. In his presentation, Professor Volker Sieber (TUM) pointed out that in Europe there are still several countries with discreet performance in Bioeconomics, stressing the importance of pooling efforts. “Strategies for bioeconomics are very diverse in Europe. One of the great challenges for us is to bring together actions in different fields to bring positive results in this area”, professor Sieber said. The researcher also reminded the contribution that Bioeconomy can bring to several Sustainable Development Goals.

Director of the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation (QAAFI), Professor Robert Henry (UQ) stated that Bioeconomics can also be relevant in the context of climate change. “Climate change adaptation is what we have been doing in recent decades in Australia. Currently, much of our focus on research has target mainly on mitigating its consequences”, professor Henry stated. Supported by a line graph and metric statistics, the Australian scientist reinforced the idea that Bioeconomies – and most of its areas – is a trend in research, having its scientific production boosted significantly in recent years.

Currently, the Center led by professor Henry conducts researches that focus on three main objectives, the production of higher value-added food for export, the development of healthy products and the study of non-food products, specially fuel.

Professor Carlos Vergani is UNESP Chief of Staff and the Brazilian representative in the first Symposium held in Straubing, in 2018. During his presentation, professor Vergani discussed some of the challenges that will be imposed to the Bioeconomy field, mentioning, for example, the production of food for a growing population. This scenario, he states, will require producers to apply technologies in the field. Vergani remembered the “Próalcool Programme”, a Brazilian initiative to phase out automobile fuels derived from fossil fuels in favor of ethanol produced from sugar cane that boosted research on biofuel. Nowadays, sugarcane production in Brazil is well recognized by its technology, its bioproducts and the self-sufficiency in eletricity consumption.

Developments and collaborations

Part of the opening meeting was dedicated to present opportunities in Brazil and abroad to foster future joint research projects that may arise from the dialogue between researchers gathered in Ubatuba.

Professor Maurico Bacci, Associate VP for Graduate Studies, highlighted the opportunities offered by UNESP under the CAPES-PrInt program and the participation of the University of Queensland and the Technical University of Munich among the institutions the will form a network of partner universities, as part of a call published by UNESP in the beggining of 2019.

The CAPES-PrInt is a program created by the Brazilian federal agency focused on promoting the internationalization of Graduate Programs. It aims to increase the academic and social impact of the science produced in the country during the next four years. The program allows funding in various modalities, such as Visiting Professor, Doctorate Sandwich, among others.

The several initiatives of the federal agency was the subject of a presentation by Professor Heloisa Candia Hollnagel, General Coordinator of Scholarships and Projects at the CAPES International Relations Directorate. Ms. Hollnagel presented a history of the agency's role in stimulating the internationalization of the country's Graduate Programs and showed the results achieved by the Brazilian universities in the last years.

Representing Fapesp, the Sao Paulo State Funding Agency, Professor Sergio Queiroz presented possibilities that the organization offers to collaborate specifically with companies. The goal, professor Qurioz states, is in the development of products with high technological content or new processes. To achieve this goal, the Agency provides two initiatives: the Technological Innovation Partnership Research (PITE) and the Research Centers in Engineering (CPE).

The event also had a presentation by Raizen's representative, Marisa Aparecida de Lima Coral. Raizen is among the largest private business groups in Brazil, integrate all the stages of the production chain, from the cultivation of sugarcane to the production and sale of sugar and ethanol, the generation of bio-energy, and fuel distribution. The company's share in the Brazilian market and the impacts of 2nd generation ethanol technology were among the topics presented to the researchers.

By Marcos Jorge


Consul General of India visits TUM Campus Straubing

The Consul General of India, Sugandh Rajaram, has visited the TUM Campus Straubing to discuss about potential cooperations with India in the field of bioeconomy. With the planned extension of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance to include partners from the different world regions possible Indian universities were evaluated and next measures assessed.


UNESP, UQ and TUM jointly feature Global Bioeconomy Alliance at AIEA Conference in San Francisco

This year’s AIEA Annual Conference took place under the topic What's Next? Possibilities and Probabilities in the Future of International Higher Education.

Picture: TUM, UNESP, UQ

In January 2019, leading international experts from higher education institutions around the world gathered in San Francisco to discuss trends, best practices and key strategic issues in this field. Representing the trinity of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance, UNESP (José Celso, Freire Junior), UQ (Jen Kane) and TUM (Layla Eberle) jointly presented at a session on Innovations in Global Partnership Building. The audience followed with great interest the speakers sharing their insights on opportunities and innovative actions to build and strengthen international partnerships, with the Global Bioeconomy Alliance being featured as one of its key achievements.


BAYLAT/FAPESP funding for two scientific workshops in the field of global bioeconomy

In July 2018 the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK), represented by the Bavarian University Centre for Latin America (BAYLAT) and FAPESP have opened a call for common workshops between Bavarian researchers and researchers of the Brazilian State of São Paulo.

In July 2018 the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK), represented by the Bavarian University Centre for Latin America (BAYLAT) and FAPESP have opened a call for common workshops between Bavarian researchers and researchers of the Brazilian State of São Paulo. The call for proposals was open to researchers in all fields.

The organizations have now announced that the common proposal of TUM Campus Straubing and UNESP titled „Global Bioeconomy Alliance – Cooperation Opportunities between Brazil and Germany“ has been selected for funding. The first workshop will take place in October 2019 in São Paulo, the second workshop one year later in Straubing.

The workshops will also be open for participants not being affiliated to TUM and UNESP. Further information on conditions for participation will follow soon.


Memorandum of Understanding signed

Global bioeconomy is the subject of a trilateral agreement which was signed in June 2018 between the Australian University of Queensland (UQ), the Brazilian Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and the TUM.

Picture: TUM

For years TUM has had bilateral cooperations with both universities regarding student and scientific exchange. The successful cooperation will now be taken to a new level by the »Memorandum of Understanding on the Formation of a Global Bioeconomy Alliance". The new alliance will be the nucleus of an international university network in the field of bioeconomy.


Symposium „Natural Products: Analytics, Biodiversity and Biochemistry“

On the 18th – 21th of June 2018 a research symposium was held at TUM bringing together colleagues from UNESP (Brazil), the University of Queensland (Australia) and TUM, including one day at the TUM Munich Headquarter, which was dedicated to present funding opportunities from German organizations.

This activity was co-organized by the WZW Graduate Center, which invited WZW PhD students to participate and to develop own ideas for further research projects. The first two days of the symposium was held in Weihenstephan with scientific presentations in the sessions titled “Biodiversity and Novel Foods”, “Food Analysis” and “Analysis and Biochemistry of Natural Products and Medicinal Chemistry”.

Picture: TUM

The third day took place at the TUM Campus Straubing and was focused on Medicinal Chemistry and Bioeconomy, including a guest lecture by Dr. Christian Patermann, former program director for the European Commission. Joint ideas for funding opportunities, such as an International Research Training Group (IRTG) which is being developed between TUM and UQ, were discussed in detail. Moreover, the ideas for joint research projects developed independently by the participating PhD students were lively presented to all participants.


TUM São Paulo: TUM expands cooperation in Brazil during anniversary year

2018 marks the 150th anniversary of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and it is not only celebrated in Munich and Bavaria, but on international level as well.


On this occasion, numerous friends, alumni and cooperation partners of TUM attended the festive reception at the residence of the German Consul General on 23rd of March, 2018 in São Paulo. Some alumni even traveled more than six hours by car to celebrate the strengthening of their alma mater's cooperation ties with Brazil.


Workshop Estratégico CTBE “Renewable Resources”

The workshop “Renewable Resources” on 9th of March, 2018 in Campinas, Brazil dealt with biocatalytic, fermentative, chemo- and electro-catalytic processes for a sustainable production of chemicals as well as with possibilities of cooperation between Brazil and Germany.


The workshop “Renewable Resources” on 9th of March, 2018 in Campinas, Brazil dealt with biocatalytic, fermentative, chemo- and electro-catalytic processes for a sustainable production of chemicals as well as with possibilities of cooperation between Brazil and Germany. Speakers were from CTBE, CNPEM, Embrapii, FAPESP, UNESP, UNICAMP, Fibria, Nitro Quimica, TUM, Fraunhofer IGB, Fraunhofer IVV, DFG and DAAD.

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Coordination Talk “Global Bioeconomy Alliance”

On 5th of March, 2018 representatives of TUM and UNESP discussed at UNESP (São Paulo, Brazil) the further procedure regarding the establishment of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance.

Picture: Marcos Jorge, UNESP

Topics were - among others - the possibilities of cooperation and financing. Participants of the conversation included:

  • Prof. Dr. Volker Sieber (TUM, Rector of Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Rychlik (TUM, Faculty of Chemistry)
  • Prof. Dr. José Celso Freire Jr. (UNESP, Head of International Office)
  • Prof. Dr. Carlos Vergani (UNESP, Deputy Head of International Office)
  • Prof. Dr. Carlos Graeff (UNESP, Prorector Research)

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UQ-TUM Bioeconomy Symposium “The Impact of Biotechnology on the Economy of the Future”

International academics, researchers, and government representatives met from 4th to 6th of October, 2017 at UQ (Brisbane, Australia) to explore the role of biotechnology on future economies.


Organised by UQ in collaboration with TUM, the symposium reflected growing global interest in achieving a sustainable bioeconomy, and explored measures and challenges identified by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission. The symposium expanded upon existing research initiatives, identified new opportunities for joint projects, and supported broad academic collaboration between UQ and TUM, especially in the fields of healthy and safe foods, renewable resources, and bioprocesses engineering. Tripartite collaboration with Brazil – a bioproduct powerhouse – was also strengthened.

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Coordination Talk “International Cooperation in Education”

On 4th of July, 2017 a delegation from the Australian UQ came to TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability, Germany to initiate an international cooperation in teaching regarding the new course "Chemical Biotechnology".

Picture: TUMCS

One of the topics is to allow students to study also at the partner university - in short: Straubing students are allowed to study in Brisbane for a certain period of time and vice versa.


“Research Symposium on Biotechnology for Food and Chemicals”

Researchers from UQ recently returned from Germany, where they explored the future of biotechnology with some of Europe’s leading scientists.

Hosted by TUM, the ‘Research Symposium on Biotechnology for Food and Chemicals’ (19th to 21st of June, 2017) provided a platform to discuss advances in the biological sciences, and how Australia and Germany could progress into a cleaner, greener, and healthier future.

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Symposium “Water, Environment and Sustainability”

The aim of the symposium, held on 11th to 12th of June, 2015 at TUM (Munich, Germany) was to bring together scientists and students from UQ and TUM, who are engaged in identifying solutions to significant global challenges such as sustainable production of food, chemicals, materials and energy in the light of dwindling resources. The symposium served as a platform to strengthen an extensive network of cooperations in the field of engineering, chemistry, biotechnology and agriculture for a sustainable bioeconomy.

Picture: TUMcampus Edition 04/2015

Furthermore, the opportunity was used by the presidents of both universities - Prof. Wolfgang Herrmann (TUM) and Prof. Peter Hoj (UQ) - to reaffirm the close cooperation by signing a corresponding cooperation contract.


Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany

Logo Technical Universtiy of Munich

The Technical University of Munich was founded in 1868 as a center of learning dedicated to the natural sciences. Today TUM is one of Europe’s top universities. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education and the active promotion of promising young scientists. The university also forges strong links with companies and scientific institutions across the world. With 14 departments, 6 Integrative Research Centers, 545 professors and 10,000 staff members TUM provides an excellent environment for research and for the education of 41,000 students in 177 degree programs.

At TUM, bioeconomy was concentrated in 2017 at „TUM Campus Straubing for Biotechnology and Sustainability (TUMCS)“. This sixth Integrative Research Center conducts fundamental research and technological developments on biogenic resources, biotechnology and bioeconomy. Research focuses are the chemical and energetic use of biogenic resources as well as its economic aspects. Additionally to PhD studies, at TUMCS the academic education takes place within the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs Biogenic Materials, Bioeconomy, Biomass Technology, Chemical Biotechnology, Sustainable Management & Technology and Technology of Biogenic Resources.

University of Queensland (UQ), Australia

Logo University of Queensland

For more than a century, The University of Queensland (UQ) has created positive change for society by delivering knowledge leadership for a better world.

UQ ranks among the world’s top universities and, with a strong focus on teaching excellence, UQ has won more national teaching awards than any other Australian university.

At UQ, we’re changing the way higher education is imagined and experienced. Our students enjoy innovative and flexible learning options, diverse and dynamic partnership opportunities, and an integrated digital and campus learning environment.

UQ’s 307,000 graduates are an engaged network of global alumni spanning more than 170 countries, and include more than 15,800 PhDs. More than 56,000 current students, including around 20,000 postgraduate students and approximately 21,000 international students from 142 countries, currently study across UQ’s three campuses in South East Queensland.

With a strong focus on teaching excellence, having won more national teaching awards than any other Australian university, UQ is committed to providing students with the best opportunities and practical experiences during their time with us, empowering them with transferable knowledge and skills that will prepare them to exceed expectations throughout their careers.

UQ’s six faculties, eight globally recognised research institutes and more than 100 research centres attract an interdisciplinary community of 1,500 scientists, social scientists and engineers, who champion research excellence and continue UQ’s tradition of research leadership. This is reflected in UQ being the number one recipient of Australian Research Council Fellowships and Awards nationally across all scheme years (452 awards worth $339 million).

UQ has an outstanding track record in commercialising innovation, with major technologies employed across the globe and gross product sales of more than US$44 billion.

Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Brazil

Logo Universidade Estadual Paulista

UNESP was established in 1976 and is one of the largest and most prestigious research-intensive universities in Brazil. The institution offers free education and is committed to excellence in teaching, research and community engagement.

It has a distinctive structure, with schools and institutes located in 24 cities in the state of São Paulo, being one of the most successful multi-campus universities in the world. About 3.500 academics and 7.000 non-academic staff contribute to the development of the institution that counts with about 36.000 undergraduate and 15.000 graduate students.

The university awards more than 1.200 Ph.D. diplomas per year and is responsible for about 8% of all Brazilian scientific publication. In the last five years, almost 31.000 scientific papers were published by university’s researchers. The institution’s research priorities are Healthy Societies, Transformative Technologies, One Health, Feeding the World, Biosphere, and Bioeconomy.

The institution’s permanent social engagement through different initiatives, the high employability rates among alumni and its top ten position in the most prominent Latin America rankings among other relevant features, reinforce UNESP’s reputation as one of the best institutions in the region.

Technical University of Denmark

Logo Technical University of Denmark

For almost two centuries, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has been dedicated to fulfilling the vision of H.C. Ørsted, the father of electromagnetism, who founded the university in 1829 to develop and create value using the natural sciences and the technical sciences to benefit society.

Today DTU is a research-based, business-oriented and internationally oriented polytechnic university. Based in technical and natural sciences, DTU works to create sustainable value and welfare in society through education, research, research-based advice and innovation.

The University is at the academic and multidisciplinary forefront of the technical and the natural sciences with new initiatives in a number of demanding engineering disciplines, including sustainable energy technology, biotechnology, and life science.

As one of the highest-ranked technical universities in Europe, DTU comprises 22 departments and centres spread across five campuses—four in Denmark and one in Greenland—as well as at various test sites throughout Denmark.

13.400 students are educating themselves for the future, and 6,000 employees focus each day on education, research, consulting, and innovation, which contribute to creating value, welfare, and growth.

Great ideas change the world, and the university is driven by the desire to develop sustainable technologies that create jobs and new opportunities. At DTU, researchers and students collaborate with industry and government to create innovative solutions at the intersections of engineering and creativity, theory and practice, and university and society.


All partners of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance conduct intensive research in the field of bioeconomy. The following sites give an overview of the fields of interest at TUMCS, UQ and UNESP.

One of the alliance’s main objectives for the near future is to intensify common research between the partner universities.

Scientists at the TUM Campus Straubing conduct basic research and technological developments on biogenic resources. This applies both to their material use, for example in the chemical industry, and to their energetic use. A further research field is the development of strategies for the sustainable and environmentally compatible supply of biogenic resources. In addition, the economic aspects surrounding the production and marketing of biogenic resources are examined. A particular strength of the TUM Campus Straubing is its cross-industry and cross-disciplinary approach, in which the various disciplines work closely together. These include the natural, engineering, ecosystem and economic sciences in order to comprehensively cover questions ranging from molecules to the marketing of biogenic resources. Main fields of research interest are:

  • Biogenic Materials
  • Biotechnology
  • Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Chemicals & Processes
  • Economics

For more than a century, The University of Queensland (UQ) has created positive change for society by delivering knowledge leadership for a better world.

UQ ranks among the world’s top universities and, with a strong focus on teaching excellence, UQ has won more national teaching awards than any other Australian university.

At UQ, we’re changing the way higher education is imagined and experienced. Our students enjoy innovative and flexible learning options, diverse and dynamic partnership opportunities, and an integrated digital and campus learning environment.

UQ’s 307,000 graduates are an engaged network of global alumni spanning more than 170 countries, and include more than 15,800 PhDs. More than 56,000 current students, including around 20,000 postgraduate students and approximately 21,000 international students from 142 countries, currently study across UQ’s three campuses in South East Queensland.

With a strong focus on teaching excellence, having won more national teaching awards than any other Australian university, UQ is committed to providing students with the best opportunities and practical experiences during their time with us, empowering them with transferable knowledge and skills that will prepare them to exceed expectations throughout their careers.

UQ’s six faculties, eight globally recognised research institutes and more than 100 research centres attract an interdisciplinary community of 1,500 scientists, social scientists and engineers, who champion research excellence and continue UQ’s tradition of research leadership. This is reflected in UQ being the number one recipient of Australian Research Council Fellowships and Awards nationally across all scheme years (452 awards worth $339 million).

UQ has an outstanding track record in commercialising innovation, with major technologies employed across the globe and gross product sales of more than US$44 billion.

More information:


General aspects of UNESP research on the theme

In 2014, exports of agricultural and forestry products, food, bioenergy, biotechnology and green chemistry reached $ 2 trillion corresponding to 13% of world trade, exceeding the 10% observed in 2007. These sectors are central to be achieved at least half of the sustainable development goals (SDG ́s) of the United Nations, including food security and ensuring access to energy and health.

On a global scale, developing the bioeconomy is essential in order to preserve and rebuild natural capital and improve the quality of life for a growing world population. For this, there is a set of goals to be achieved. 1) to stimulate collaboration between governments and researchers to optimize the use of resources and to share knowledge. 2) to find ways to measure the development of the bioeconomy and its contributions to the SDG ́s emphasis on priority goals, such as food safety. 3) the bioeconomy needs to be linked to multilateral policies and intergovernmental discussions including discussions by SDG ́s climate and biodiversity and economic policy agreements; in contrast, subsidies on fossil fuels reached an impressive $ $5.3 trillion, or 6.5% of global gross domestic product in 2015. 4) to define the necessary skills and to train human resources to think systemically and develop sustainable basic technologies for the bioeconomy; 5) to prioritize research and development on the subject.

Bioeconomics is the application of biotechnology, understood as the set of technologies based on biological systems, primary production, health and industry. The bioeconomy is based on three elements: 1) advanced knowledge of physiology, biochemistry, genes and complex cellular processes; 2) renewable biomass; 3) integration of biotechnology applications in all sectors to avoid waste, but coproducts of the productive chains. Developing Bioeconomy by following these principles is critical for energy, water and food security. There is no way to separate these four topics. Agriculture is the sector of the economy with higher water consumption (70% in global terms). In Brazil, about a quarter of energy is produced from biomasses and agricultural exports are the main generators of commercial supervision, fundamental for economic and social stability.

Goal – Bioeconomics and food sustainability

Description – Sustainable food production in Brazil aims to supply our population, but also plays a central role in the country’s economic and social stability. Agriculture and livestock are historically responsible for 1/4 of the country’s GDP, 1/3 of jobs and also constitute the main source of trade surplus in our country. Currently, world grain stocks are sufficient for just three months of consumption. It is necessary to increase current production of food in more than 60% by 2050. However, the cultivated area will increase by only 2%. The increase in production will depend on the increase of productivity by adapting crops (plants and animals) to environmental stresses. The scarcity of water deserves attention. According to the UN, about 70% of water consumed on the planet is destined to agriculture and it is expected to increase 19% by 2050. The biotic stresses will also be an important barrier to increased productivity and sustainability of production. Cases of resistance from pests, diseases and weeds are progressively more frequent. The proposals involve mainly the diagnosis of resistance, but the work with natural products can contribute to the solution to resistance problems by enlarging the set of mechanisms which could be explored. Equally challenging will be to develop and diffuse the technologies needed to increase the quality of the food produced in Brazil, considering all its complexity given the particularities of the various consumer markets with different cultural, genetic and age characteristics. Biotechnology certainly will have a role in sustainable food production. Among all 123 GMOs commercial Releases that occurred in Brazil, 83% are destined to agriculture and livestock. Nanotechnology and digital agriculture, in conjunction with biotechnology, will contribute to the effectiveness of studies of physiology, nutrition and genetic improvement and to the sustainable food production. The whole world needs the food produced here in Brazil. Brazil’s economic and social stability depends on increasing food production, which must be supported by increasing productivity, being sustainable and incorporating new quality attributes. Losses should be reduced. With these goals, we need to strengthen partnerships to qualify human resources and develop the technologies needed.

Bioeconomics and water sustainability

Description – Water is our most valuable economic, ecological and social resource. It is essential to preserve the natural cycles and biodiversity to generate energy and to support agricultural and industrial production. The retrieving and preservation of water resources are keys to both the expansion of the bioeconomy and to the production and sustainable development. The FAO estimates that two-thirds of the world’s population face water shortages and that agriculture accounts for 70% of the world consumption of water. The international day of water established by the UN has triggered society’s reflection on fundamental points for the sustainable use of this resource, for example: theme of 2018: Sharing Water; theme of 2015: Water and Sustainable Development; theme of 2014: Water and Energy; theme of 2012: Water and Food Security – The World Thirsts because We’re Hungry; theme of 2007: Dealing with Water Scarcity. In addition to meeting basic needs of the population in Brazil, water is essential to produce food, fibre and energy. About a quarter of the energy we consume is produced from biomass power plants and other 12.6% are produced by hydroelectric stations. Climate change and water scarcity can have a great impact on the national energy production. The World Economic Forum’s report of 2016 lists the rising price of energy, climate change and the water crisis among the five biggest risks that can impact the world in the coming years and decades. Human activities also interfere, directly or indirectly, with water quality. Hydric bodies have the capacity to assimilate human interferences and to auto purify, but this capacity is limited. In average terms, the UN esteems that for each liter of water used for the humanity, 10 liters end up polluted. The water quality preservation is essential for the agriculture activities. An analysis of the sector’s exports in 2012 indicates that a total of 228 billion cubic meters of water were consumed to produce them. This volume would be sufficient to supply 6.14 billion people with 100L per day for a period of one year. To design agricultural, cattle and forest production systems with lesser water consumption is essential to sustainably develop Brazil and its bioeconomics. The creation of the necessary solutions will demand the integration of knowledge in the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, genetics, physiology, ecology, digital numerical and farming analysis, for example.

Bioeconomics and circular economy

Description – Sustainable production of biomass has significantly contributed to Brazil’s climate and energy targets and it stands out for generating jobs in economically depressed areas. Sustainable biomass production associated with the concept of cascading biomass creates economically, socially and environmentally sustainable solutions. It is a priority to develop new uses of biomass for greater profitability and new approaches on how to produce them in a sustainable way, with less consumption of natural resources by applying concepts of waste hierarchy and cascade resources. Biomasses are the only renewable sources of carbon in thermal, biological or physical processes for various industrial purposes, especially when it comes to the production of biofuels. It has as characteristics and advantages: low cost and CO2 neutral balance; forest, agro-industrial, municipal and industrial residues can be used; easy storage; it is possible to develop closed cycles with recycling of nutrients; the possibility of a secondary fuel conversion for chemical engines, additives or special chemical products, as monomers. The exploration of biomasses promotes benefits as: 1) Generation of jobs and growth; 2) Resource efficiency – using cascade promotes multiple uses of raw materials, thereby reducing imports; 3) Circular economy – cascade preserves materials of higher value by extending product cycles; 4) Bioeconomy – the world doesn’t have bioeconomy without a diverse set of biological products, in addition to biofuels. Deploy the circular economy will require systemic change by abstracting the economic consumption growth. With renewable energy sources, the circular model builds economic, natural and social capital and is based on three principles: 1) to reduce waste and pollution; 2) to keep products and materials in use; 3) to regenerate natural systems. In a circular economy, economic activity builds and rebuilds the overall health of the system. The concept recognizes the necessity of the economy to work effectively in all the scales – for big and small companies, for organizations and individuals, globally and locally. The transition to a circular economy is not equivalent only to the adjustments intended to reduce the negative impacts of the linear economy. On the contrary, represents a systemic change that creates long-term resilience, generates trade and economic opportunities and provides environmental and social benefits.

Bioeconomics and energy sustainability

Description – In its report of 2016, the world economic forum listed the rise of energy prices as one of the five risks with greater potential of global impact in the next years. In Brazil, 43.5% of energy have renewable sources and more than a quarter of the energy is produced from biomass power plants, such as afforestation wood and coal; ethanol and electric power produced from sugar cane juice, bagasse and straw; biodiesel produced mainly from soybean oil. There is a great potential and need to increase the sustainable production of bioenergy in Brazil. Specifically in the case of ethanol, Brazil has become a product importer, mainly because of the difficulty in increasing the sugar-cane productivity. If the situation remains the same, Brazil will import 12% and 26% of the consumed ethanol in 2018 and 2023, respectively. The substitution of imports will require the expansion of the first and second generation ethanol production. Bioenergy integrates the bioeconomy. The application of the principles and the pursuit of the objectives already mentioned for the bioeconomy could bring great advances for the production of sustainable bioenergy. Our country is the one closest to having a sustainable bioenergy production model that can be exported to other countries. BIOEN programs for sustainable bioenergy production have set five research and development priorities: 1) Sustainable biomass production to produce bioenergy; 2) Technologies to transform biomass into biofuels; 3) Efficient use of biofuels in engines, boilers and industries; 4) Biofactories for biofuels production and co-products processing; 5) Economic, social and environmental sustainability of production chains. To make our energy matrix even more renewable, extending the participation of the energy generated from biomass, it is necessary to constantly produce innovations that guarantee and extend the competitive advantage of the bioenergy producing companies in Brazil. Innovations only happen if it has qualified human resources to propose and develop them. The solutions that are necessary to expand sustainable bioenergy production will require the development and integration of basic and applied knowledge related to the five themes listed by BIOEN, with emphasis on chemistry, physics, engineering, nanotechnology, biotechnology, genetics, physiology, ecology and digital agriculture.


All partners of the Global Bioeconomy Alliance have a varied offer of degree programs in the field of bioeconomy. This refers to both Bachelor and Master programs. The following sites give an overview of the various study courses at TUMCS, UQ and UNESP.

One of the alliance`s main objectives for the near future is to intensify the educational exchange of students and staff between the partner universities.


Biotechnology considers how cellular and biomolecular processes can address real-world current global challenges. We apply foundational and cutting-edge scientific skills to create innovative solutions to medical, agricultural, industrial and environmental problems. Central to this field are development of business skills to successfully commercialise new inventions to benefit the end user. Biotechnology is an exciting interdisciplinary subject, whether you have strength in chemistry, biology, physics or engineering, there is a track to suit everyone.

Bachelor of Biotechnology

Biotechnology is a creative entrepreneurial field, where scientists design innovative products and technologies, pioneering new frontiers in health, agriculture, science, engineering and beyond.

Develop the skills and knowledge needed to translate innovative scientific ideas into commercially viable solutions. Learn real-world insights from educators who are at the frontier of emerging research fields in biotechnology.

You will combine theory and practice to examine biotechnology’s varied applications, from antibody engineering to fight disease and genetic plant engineering to increase agricultural yields, through to vaccine design, cell and tissue culture technologies, and more.

Deepen your understanding of the key issues within biotechnology such as intellectual property, regulatory compliance, quality assurance and quality control. Learn to apply quality management systems in biotechnology so that products and technologies are safe and reproducible.

Learn how to assess the market potential and financial viability of new products or technical services such as vaccines, diagnostics, biopharmaceutical drugs, transgenic plants or innovations in stem cell therapy.


Agricultural Biotechnology
Cultivate innovative solutions to enhance the sustainability, productivity and profitability of the global agricultural industry. Study agricultural biotechnology and undertake advanced-level study in areas such as plant and food science, biochemistry, plant and animal molecular biology, and genetics. Learn how to genetically engineer crops or livestock animals to enhance nutritional value, reduce susceptibility to disease, improve sustainability and enable them to thrive in hostile environments.
Chemical and Nano Biotechnology

Nanotechnology is the ability to manipulate individual atoms, molecules and groups of molecules to form new chemical or particle structures needed for the development of new medicines, materials or technologies. You'll combine theory and practice to explore how nanotechnology underpins new innovations in modern medicine, technology and renewable energy.

Develop a comprehensive understanding of organic and inorganic chemistry, analytical techniques, alongside aspects of microbiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. Gain hands-on experience in gene editing, recombinant DNA technology, bioinformatics and genomics in our world-class laboratories and computer facilities.

Medical Biotechnology

Medical biotechnology uses cutting-edge tools and techniques to prevent, diagnose and treat current and emerging diseases. Though a combination of theory and practice, this study track will take you to the forefront of modern medicine.

You will learn how new therapeutics, diagnostic devices, wearable technologies and equipment are developed and used to accurately identify disease. You will examine how genetics underpins personalised medicine, leading to treatment tailored for the individual. Advance your knowledge of how therapies based on small molecules, biologics, stem cells and other technologies are identified, selected and developed through preclinical and clinical testing into market-ready therapeutics.

Molecular and Microbial Biotechnology

Advances in molecular and microbial biotechnology are revolutionising the way we live, providing healthier lifestyles and creating a more sustainable world. Molecular and microbial biotechnology involves transferring genetic information between human, plant or animal cells, or microscopic organisms to capitalise on existing biological processes to create new products or innovations.

It's an exciting field of science that combines applications from molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, genetics and microbiology to create products and innovations in areas as diverse as human and animal health, agriculture, food and sustainable energy production, and textiles.

Synthetic Biology and Industrial Biotechnology

Get ready to pioneer new frontiers in health, food science, conservation and beyond.

Synthetic biology is transforming how we develop new medicines, enhance human nutrition and create a more sustainable world. It is a growing field of science that applies engineering design principles to chemistry, bioinformatics and genetics. These principles allow scientists to create or modify biological processes in living organisms and then develop new innovations across agriculture, health, energy production and environmental management.

Master of Biotechnology

The Master of Biotechnology program is designed for scientists who want to update their technical skills in core areas such as molecular biology, protein technology or bioinformatics, acquire research laboratory experience and translate their discoveries into market ready products. The program also suits legal or business professionals with some scientific background who want to learn about the latest technological developments.

You'll also have the opportunity to put your learning into practice through internships, placements and international study options that focus on research and development, commercialisation, marketing and the business of science.

Master of Biotechnology Research Extensive

The Master of Biotechnology Research Extensive program is designed for scientists who wish to increase their technical and research skills in core areas of biotechnology, and to obtain a more extended laboratory immersion than is available in the MBiotech.

Through an independent research project, you will increase your technical and research skills working with the university’s researchers and academics, or in an industry setting. You'll also have the opportunity to participate in internships, placements and international study.

Masters-level fields of study

Agricultural Biotechnology

Cultivate innovative solutions to enhance the sustainability, productivity and profitability of the global agricultural industry.

Learn how to meet environmental and food security challenges with gene editing, genomics, proteomics, recombinant DNA technology, bioinformatics and disease diagnostics.

You will develop multidisciplinary research and business skills needed to translate discoveries from the laboratory to real life.

Medical Biotechnology

Medical biotechnology uses cutting-edge tools and techniques to prevent, diagnose and treat, current and emerging diseases.

This field of study will allow you to be at the forefront of modern medicine. Learn about advanced biopharmaceuticals, cell labelling and tracking, stem cells, immunology, diagnostic devices, gene therapy, artificial organs and other aspects of innovative health solutions.

You will develop multidisciplinary research and business skills needed to translate discoveries from the laboratory to real life.

Synthetic Biology and Industrial Biotechnology

Get ready to pioneer new frontiers in health, food science, conservation and beyond.

Learn how to create and re-engineer biological processes in living organisms. Develop cleaner sources of agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, designer materials and other innovative products across agriculture, health, energy production and environmental management.

You will develop multidisciplinary research and business skills needed to translate discoveries from the laboratory to real life.